Should USA Flags be Manufactured in the United States?
Flying a United States flag is one of the best ways to show patriotism and a strong connection to this country. The United States of America flag is seen as a powerful symbol, and when it flies on top of a flagpole, it gives people hope and reminds them of their patriotism. Flying an American flag is an act of patriotism, but does it matter where that flag was manufactured? Is there a difference between an American flag manufactured in China by Chinese laborers and an American flag produced in the United States by hard-working American citizens?
Buying American made products means more today than it ever has before. With a USA-made flag and flagpole installation Roanoke VA, you can make a big patriotic statement. As more jobs and production are outsourced overseas, finding a high-quality, domestically made product becomes harder. What are the top reasons to shop for American made products?
The shopping experience, from start to finish, is often streamlined when shopping with an American company. All services, manufacturing, and customer service are located in the U.S. and are easily accessible. There is no waiting for shipping freight to travel halfway across the world to bring you a product, which is the case when shopping with manufacturers making products in Asia or other areas.
American-made products offer a certain level of quality assurance that is not matched by many companies that produce many other products we use every day. Labor laws and requirements in the United States are strict because they protect the environment and shoppers, which is not always the case in certain manufacturing companies. When you shop for American made products, you employ workers that are responsible and legally allowed to work.
Flagpole Installation Roanoke VA
Being a patriot is recognizing that the individual, although necessary, is connected to other citizens and patriots. Shopping with companies that manufacture within the United States ensures that your hard-earned money goes into the pockets of other hard-working citizens. In other words, you might be shopping for a product for yourself, but you are supporting American jobs and American workers in the process.
Gates Flag & Banner Company, Inc. is proud to support patriotism by providing flags only made in the good old USA. Whether you choose to purchase a U.S, State, International, or custom flag, feel confident in the quality of an American-Made product. Give our team a call for more information on our flags, custom products, and flagpole installation Roanoke VA.