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What Material Should I Use for Custom Flags?
08 Apr 2022

What Material Should I Use for Custom Flags?

Creating a flag design is the first step in creating a custom flag, but once the design is reviewed and finalized, you must now move into the manufacturing phase.

While flags are being manufactured, you can think about flagpole installation Edison NJ. To start manufacturing, a material choice must be made. Choosing the right material for a custom flag depends on several important factors, such as when you'll be using it, how you'll use it, and most importantly, where you will use it. Material choice directly affects several essential characteristics of custom flags, which include:

  • Aesthetics (look)
  • Performance
  • Durability
  • Feel 
  • Cost 

Cloth flags are often made from one of three materials (polyester and nylon).

Although these three are the most common, flag makers also use linen, silk, and wool. It is essential to recognize that all materials are designed for specific use. Using the wrong material for a custom flag could cost you time, money, and anxiety.

Indoor flags are often viewed at close distances, whereas outdoor flags are hung high up on a flagpole. Flag pole installation is supposed to make flags stand above everything else. Indoor flags are often mounted on walls and are only slightly higher than a person's line of sight. For an indoor flag, the aesthetic look and the feel of the flag matter. You'll want a soft flag that is rich with colors and vibrant. You do not need to worry about extreme conditions like high winds and excessive water. It is vital to use Edison NJ's best flagpole installation to ensure flags are flown safely.

Outdoor flags have much to compete with, including:

  • Animals and pests
  • UV rays
  • Snow, ice, hail, and rain
  • Excessive heat and cold (depending on the geographical location)
  • Pollution
  • Saltwater
  • Wind

Nylon flags are often considered the most popular material for creating flags. This particular synthetic polymer is solid and lightweight. In military applications, it is used for parachuting. Nylon manufacturing can be done and offers many pros with minimal drawbacks.

Polyester is known for its low water absorption and strong UV resistance. It can easily be dyed, which means it can take on beautiful and vibrant colors. It is also difficult to tear and can withstand high winds for extended periods. This material is more expensive than nylon, and it is also heavier than nylon.

Facing which material is best can be overwhelming, so you should not hesitate to reach out to the team at Gates Flags for advice. Our talented flag creators can help you problem solve and create the best possible flag for your needs. Picking a material should not be an afterthought, so reach out for answers today!

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